Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Merry Christmas
After a week in Norman, Oklahoma spending time with my family that lives up there we are home and getting ready for Christmas #3!!! Gotta love the divorced parents things. On our way back from Oklahoma we stopped off in Austin, TX to see Jack's Dad and his wife. We had a little Christmas celebration with them at their house, then we went over to Jack's older brother's house Khadd and his wife Linsdey Mitchell to finally meet their youngest son Husdon, and for them to meet Jackson. Their older son Hunter and Jackson played for about two hours non-stop while we were there, they were running around (Jackson was crawling his fastest) the living room, kitchen, and front room just going in circles!!!! It was great fun to watch if I do say so myself. When we got back to Jack's dad's house Jackson CRASHED OUT!!!!! He did not wake up once all night and he would have slept longer but the stupid dog barked and woke him up at 8:15.
Let's go back to Oklahoma and Jackson's 1st CHRISTMAS!!!! We celebrated on Sunday the 26th because my Aunt and Uncle and their three kids were flying in from New York on Christmas day and they wouldnt arrive until 10 PM. So Sunday morning we woke up and Jackson go to open his stocking (he had no idea about any of this stuff) He got three big trucks; a roll of quarters; a teddy bear that said grandson; and a small elephant. Then for Christmas he got a lot of toys!!!! Too many to name but lets just say our truck was completly packed on the way back from there. We could not have fit one more item in the bed of that truck. He had a lot of fun playing with all of his cousins and getting to meet all the people that are important to his Mommy and Daddy!!!!
I hope that you are having a great Christmas Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!!!!
Love, The May's
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Crazy Saturday
On a lighter note Jackson decided that he was going to sleep in until 7:15 this morning!!!! Yeah to two extra hours of sleep!!!! SO my parents were getting ready to leave for Oklahoma this morning and Jackson and I come down to say good bye to them, even though we will be leaving tomorrow to go up there for a week. :-) Around 9 A.M. this morning after my parents leave Jackson decides that he wants to take a nap. Once I get him down for the count I begin to clean a little. I am trying to stop being lazy and get my butt in gear to keep the house clean to prove to my husband that I can be a good house keeper for when we move next year or so. I vaccumed all the rooms, mopped the kitchen, did all the laundry and started to pack for our week long trip. I think I did very well today. Oh did I mention that I did this all while Jackson was taking his nap, which he didn't wake up from until 1 P.M. After he woke up I got him dressed, I got dressed and we went out to B&N so that I could get a study guide for the ESL test that I signed up for in March. So this will be the third Certification that I will be adding to my resume to hopefully next year be able to just slide right on in to the teaching position that will hopefully open up next year at the school.
SO we load up in the truck and head out. Jackson is not a happy camper in the carseat. I can't wait until he is 1 and can be turned around and forward facing so that he can see me. We drive down 281 to Barnes & Nobles and guess what THE PARKING LOT IS PACKED!!!!! I drive around for about 15 minutes trying to find a parking spot. Let me say that people SUCK parking in a jammed packed parking lot, they just park crooked and don't bother to take the minute to fix their vehicals so that other people can park without having to AUSTIN POWERS IT into the parking spot. I finally park myself and get everything out that I would need for Jackson in the store; bottle, toys; snacks; and wallet. First things first; COFFEE!!!! Gotta love the Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha's!!!! VENTI!!! Then I'm looking around in the section that the study guides are in and I can't find the ESL study guide. I get upset becuase I need this book to start studying on the 6 hour drive up to OKLAHOMA tomorrow afternoon. Finally there it is. So I pick it up and go on to the kids section to look around for a few cute books. I found many different books that I wanted to get for Jackson but decided that I would wait until he was a little be older. However I did find three books that are going to be stocking stuffers for my mom, dad and Jack. I thought they were very cute and hopefully they will like them as much as I do. Jackson has about had it being in his stroller, so I get him out and he DOESN'T want to be held. He wants to walk around; or crawl around. I let him hold on to the stroller and we start walking around B&N, he was SOOOOO cute if I might say so myself. We get to the checkout desk and buy all of our books and head home. Jackson falls asleep in the car and when we get home I transfer him to his crib and he has been asleep now for two more hours. Which I have done some more laundry folding and putting away and watching shows off of our DVR. Geezz so many shows!!!!! Well I hope you all have a wonderful CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Much love,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Is it Friday yet???
On a happier note; I am looking forward to Christmas in Oklahoma this year!!! It will be Jackson's very 1st Christmas and we are going to be spending it with my mom's family up in Norman, Oklahoma!!!! I will get to see my Aunt and Uncle and their three kids from New York who I haven't seen since LAST Christmas!!! It's going to be crazy; a 9 month old (almost 10) and an almost 2 year old little baby going crazy over all the PAPER AND BOXES!!!!! Well I hope that everyone has a safe holiday season and I am praying for all those who are not with their families this season. Wes and Morgan, if you read this I hope that you know you guys are in my prayers and you two will be together very soon and hopefully never apart again!!! I hope that everyone is making it as easy as possible and happy time so that maybe it won't be as hard for you guys to be apart for your First Christmas.
Until next time. I love you all and hope all is going well with you!!!
Saturday, November 27, 2010

So if you have horses or know any one who does have horses and they need a new Farrier or want to use my husband here is all of his information!!!
Jackson is a crawling terror now!!! He is always into everything now, he is crawling all over the house and is chasing our dogs around like they are just really big moving toys!!! It is the funniest thing ever to watch. Jackson is very excited to have both his mommy and daddy in the same house again!!! A little update of Mr. Jackson, he has been sick for the past few weeks, but is finally getting better!!! He had an ear infection which led to an eye infection and because of all the medicine he was taking gave him a yeast infection that flared up horribly on Thanksgiving day. SO my mother-in-law insisted that we take him to the ER because she swore up and down they he was allergic to his medicine and I was doing everything wrong. SO we took him to the hospital, luckily there was NO wait and we got him in right away, and low and behold they said he had a yeast infection (which we already knew) so not only did they make me feel like I was a horrible mother for letting my son get this bad, but it was something that we already knew!!! But the doctor said that the BEST medicine was air!!! Just to let him run around without a diaper on and that would help heal his infection!!! Starting that night we let him run aound nakey!!!! Boy al mighty did he enjoy that one!!!! almost immediatly he began to look better. and now two days later and a new medicine his rash has almost vanished!!!!
Thats just a little update on everythng that has been happening in the past few weeks!!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Crazy Monday
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I survived!!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The little joys in life
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
A New Day... Same Story
~Love The Mays~
Thursday, May 13, 2010
One on One
Today at stroller strides no one showed up!!! What's with that? It was just me and Veronica (the instructor). So I got one on one training. She kicked my butt!!!! Jackson is doing great!! Growing and growing each and every day!!! He probably weights close to 13 lbs and he is only 2 months old!!! Totally in love with working out every day!! I am very happy that I joined Stroller Strides, I think that the other moms are really nice and are fun to talk with everyday, and it is a great reason to get out of the house. Excercise is a great way to make me feel better about myself and hopefully get back to my pre-baby weight and body. I am only 23 and I still want my husband to find me attractive, even though he tells me that he loves me the way I am, I want to feel better about myself.
Belated Mother's Day dinner with my Grandmother at Olive Garden... Me, Jackson, my mom, and my dad are going to pick up my GM and take her to dinner; wish my husband could make it... gotta practice roping!!!
Until tomorrow. Hope you enjoy!!