
Monday, March 21, 2011

A week off and Now back to work

Well Spring Break has come and gone this year. On Saturday we all drove up to Oklahoma to see my Mamma, we stayed until Wednesday. It was a very nice get away without having to go too far. On Tuesday we went to the OKC Zoo!!! It was Jackson's first ever zoo trip!!! He LOVED IT!!!!!! We spent about 3 hours in the Zoo and he was sacked out when we were walking out of the zoo. We came back home on Wednesday and on the ride home our TV in the van decided that it didn't want to work anymore!!! So that was a long and boring trip home because we couldn't watch any movies. But we made it home safely and all is well. Thursday my parents and I all had Wellness appointments with this new doctor who will help us all and especially me with my back (hopefully). Friday rolls around and I want to take a trip to our zoo here in San Antonio. I invite a few friends with kids but none of them are able to make it and don't want to fight the crowds at the Zoo, which I understand. SO my mom says that she would go with me since we are such big zoo fans!!!! We drive down to the zoo and sit in traffic for about 45 min just trying to get onto the street that the zoo is on!! Yep thats right 45 minutes!!! Luckily that was when Jackson decided that he needed and wanted to take his nap, so that actually worked out perfectly. When we get closer to the zoo we are soo afraid that there will be NO parking!!! We drive up to Alamo Stadium and they have a sign that says $10 parking. My mom said this isn't too far to have to walk and it will save us some more driving around looking for parking. We are the next car to ask if there is any room and they put up the cones to say the lot is full!!!!! Shoot!!! So we drive past it and litterally 20 yards in front of this parking lot there is another lot with a bike cop and I ask him if there is any room and he says, "Yep one more, come on in" SCORE!!!! We park and are litterally right in front of the zoo. So as we are walking up to the zoo the lines are gonna take like an hour just to get up to the window. Luckily we have our ZOO MEMBERSHIPS!!!! So when we walked up they told us that since we were members we could go around to the education center and they would let us in right over there. We walk the 100 yards or so to the education center and NO LINE!!! We walked right into the middle of the zoo and started off with no problems!!!! We spent about 2 hours in our zoo and decided to call it a day for today, Jackson was ready for his second nap. So it worked out perfectly!!! Saturday and Sunday fly by like we didn't even have them and Monday morning rolls around!!!!

At 4:30 my alarm goes off. Not 5:30; 4:30. Then it DOESN'T go off at 5:30!!!! So I was running late this morning on my way to work. It is not 7:45 and I am just now starting to really wake up!!! I didn't get my usual 30 minute wake up routine that I get in the morning so I am all off!!!! Luckily my morning is running smoothly otherwise!!!

Hope all have a good MONDAY!!!

Love, Michaela

Friday, March 11, 2011


Please pray for all those affected by the tsunami that hit this morning...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Guess Who's Walking!!!!!

As of 10:10 PM on March 7, 2011 Jackson Michael May is walking around the house!!!!! Granted he has only take maybe 20 steps all together, but they were in like 8 or 10 step groups!!!!! We got home from Hall Pass last night and Jack's mom was watching him and said that he had taken a few steps while she was watching him. We thought ok he has done that with us for the past few weeks. So when we got home I stood him up and pointed him towards my dad who was now watching him and he took like 6 steps towards my dad!!!! Then we picked him back up and pointed him towards me, well behind me was the red broom; did i mention that he is obesssed with the red broom and the red vaccum; so when he saw the red broom behind me he didn't want to walk to me; so he started off towards me then diverted his attention and WALKED over to the red broom!!!!! That walk  was a good 10 step for my little toddler!!!!!! So he might not have been walking by his first birthday but two days later he is offically a toddler, and walking around the house!!!!!! To say the least I am SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pictures from Jackson's Birthday!!!!

Jackson on Shorty. Uncle Jarod's horse!!!

This is the cake that I decorated for his party

His last gift was a 4-wheeler from his Papa Jack and Grandma Jan!! He learned how to ride it and power it within about 10 minutes!!! Such a smart little 1 year old!!!!

It is cake time!!! He had his own cupcake that he could tear apart and make a mess out of!!!

These are just a few that I took from his birthday party!!!! I can't believe that I have a 1yr old son!!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to Jackson!!!!!

Well today was my son's 1st birthday!!!! I have to say that it went perfectly!!! Yesterday I would not have agreed that things would go off without a hitch. First my hair cut took way longer than I had planned, and then grocery shopping took twice as long as I though it would!!! Checking out of HEB took almost longer than it took me to find all the things!!! And did I mention that I took Friday off and this was at 1 PM that I was at HEB!!!!! Don't people work anymore??? So I finally get back home and am starting to make all my cupcakes and the horse cake for the birthday, I go to turn on our oven and IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!! It keeps saying some code -se- on the screen; well come to find out later that it means there is a key short on the stove!!! So after all of that takes place I get all the batters in the oven and cook the cupcakes and cake... the cupcakes go off with no problem but I look at the cake and the center IS NOT COOKING!!!! It's still all soupy!!!! WTF!!!! So after almost an hour in the oven i decide to just give up and try again tomorrow!!! So that cake went into the trash can... Then we went to dinner with my Dad's family for my Grandma's birthday at Olive Garden... Jack and I went to pick up Jackson from daycare and drove over to Olive Garden on the other side of town... I was under the impression that we were eating at 7 for dinner!!! OH NO they didn't get there until almost 720 and then we got put on the list for dinner. So around 8 we are seated and asked our drink orders... all in all i think it was around 9 by the time we finally got our food... After we eat we pack up Jackson and drive back to our house... by the time we finally get back home it is about 10 PM, so we get Jackson in bed... then I take some medicine because my back and tailbone are killing me and I pass out...
Wake up Saturday morning and bake Jackson's horse cake... Success!!!! I have to let it cool down before i frost it, but i manage to decorate the house and get all the last minute things ready like putting out the chips and dip and getting his sign in photo frame ready and putting out all the chips and dips!!! The cake is ready to frost and I decorate it to look like a horse!!! I am very very proud of myself for all that I did today!!!!! (I will post pictures later). My fear of no one coming was totally off!!! there were so many friends and family here and it made me feel really good that other people were wanting to celebrate our son's first birthday!!!! We had several friends come and it reminded me how absoultly blessed we are to have such great friends who care about us and our family!!!!! Jackson also got SOOOO many gifts!!! We also had Jack and Jarod's horses out at our house for the kids to do "pony" rides, another hit!!!!! Jackson is in love with being on the horse, he didn't want to get off when we finally put him on the horse!!!! All in all I would say his 1st party was a COMPLETE SUCCESS!!!!!!!
I can not believe that I have a ONE YEAR OLD Son!!!! It is so weird that my son is growing up so quickly, before I know it he will be graduating college and wanting to get married and have children of his own!!!! If you don't have kids trust me when I say time flies by so quickly and it really feels like it is in a blink of an eye!!! Now I am looking forward to finishing out the school year and spending the summer watching Jackson grow and learn to swim!!!
Thank you all for everything you are doing and helping me and watching as our family grows and learns as we go!!!!

~Love The Three May's~

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Saturday is Jackson's 1st Birthday and I can't believe it!!!! I have so much to get ready for!!!! Grocery shopping and making the cake and decorating it; making cupcakes and decorating them... WOW!!!! I am really hopping that the weather they are projecting is real because it is going to be a beautiful day on Saturday. I also hope that people really show up. That is always a fear of mine that no one will show up and I will be standing there by myself. I'm sure that there WILL be people at Jackson's birthday party. I just get raelly nervous, because do other people really think that your kids 1st birthday is as big of a deal as you do???

We did get his 1st present in the mail yesterday from my GOD-Parents, who live in England!!!! Haven't opened it yet but I love them so very very much for thinking of him and me and my family at all times!!!!! So i have to send them out a thank you card as soon as possible because that is something I am terrible with!!!!!

On a completly different note. Do you ever have really random dreams where you are going back like 7-10 years and hanging out with the people that you use to be really good friends with and then picture your life if you had remained friends??? Boy would things be different!!!!! I wouldn't change anything that I have now for the world but I always wondered how different my life would be if I had done one thing differently in the past. Had I not gone to one party or pissed off this friend or moved here or there... just something I wonder from time to time!!!