Let me tell you the Joys of Motherhood are not in me this morning... Tuesday was not a good day for some reason. Nothing major happened, it was just one of those days where if it could go wrong it did!!! So Jack gets home last night at 9 P.M., so we are talking in our Kitchen with my dad and he just off hand mentions; "Oh, my Dad doens't think he is going to come to Jackson's Birthday" WHAT THE HELL!!!!! I ask in the nicest non-annoyed voice possible; "Why not???" Well apparently Jack's younger brother made a big deal over something not big at all and Grandpa doesn't want anything to ruin Jackson's birthday. So his solution is just to stay away... Which is very very sad for many reasons. One reason is that it will make it look like Kent doesn't care about Jackson since he's not there. and 2: Why can't you just get along for one day!!!!! Seriously it's not like we are asking you to sit next to each other and only talk to the other person for the entire day!!! You don't have to even make eye contact with the other person!!!!! It just seriously pisses me off that you can't put stupid stuff behind you after how many years???!?!?!?!!?!?!?
So at 1:45 this morning Jackson decides that he is going to wake up and start crying... Usually we would just let him cry until he fell back asleep; well the past few weeks he has ear infections and we are thinking that we are going to have to put tubes in his tiny little ears (Sad). So Jack said he would get the bottle if I would get him and change him and bring him into our bed. Ok; he usually will fall back to sleep at this hour... Well at around 2:15 he is still tossing and turning; guess who jumps out of bed to go sleep on the couch (one guess; its not me)... So Jackson continues to cry, wake up, go back to sleep off and on for another 45 mins. Finally around 3 something I need to get some sleep I have to wake up at 5:30 to go to work. I decide that he is going to cry one way or another and sleeping next to me will always keep him wallering around on me. So I put him back in his crib and he crys for like 10 more minutes then goes back to sleep. I finally fall back to sleep and I swear I closed my eyes and my stupid alarm went off!!!!! I seriously almost fell asleep driving in to work this morning. Its a 45 min drive one way!!! SO Coffee Coffee Coffee; in the words of Loralie Gilmore.
Please let it be Spring Break tomorrow!!!!!