
Monday, February 21, 2011

Digital Dilemma

SOOO I won a bet against Jack when we were driving home from Oklahoma over Christmas break. He bet that I couldn't stay awake the entire trip home; I said what do you want to bet; He let me choose what I would win. Well earlier I had been talking to my mom about how if I started to save $100 a month I could afford to buy myself a Digital SLR camera for my Birthday in July. SO that is what I said I wanted if I stayed awake the entire trip home... Needless to say I WON!!!! So now I don't know what camera to get... I think I have it down to Cannon or Nikon (Leaning more toward Cannon; I have two other Cannon's which I LOVE), and that's about as far as I've gotten. I need to make up my mind because he wants to start looking around and pricing them (not exactly cheap) but I can't tell him exactly what kind I want to get... I'm thinking either the Cannon EOS Ti or the EOS Rebel... the Ti is more advanced but I think in the long run it will keep me happier longer than the other one... but again I have no frame of reference. So if you have a Digital SLR that you LOVE would you please let me know!!!!! (This also implies that people are reading my blog)

Thanks so much!!!!!!

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